Who can participate in International Design Olympiad (IDO)?

Students from 5th Grade to 12th Grade can participate in the IDO. It does not matter which Education Board the school is associated with.

What is the IDO Journey?

IDO has 3 steps in its Journey:

Round 1 is an assessment of Creative Thinking, a unique perspective of a student with his or her own knowledge, experience, and imagination.

Round 2 is a project-based round that is conducted by the facilitator from Design Derivatives, elaborating the Design Thinking approach.

Round 3 is a prototype and presentation round in which students present their projects to a jury. Students identify challenges from everyday life and apply what they have learned from Round 1 and Round 2 in the final project.

Do all students get to participate in all the 3 rounds?

International Design Olympiad is a competition and students are selected based on their performance. While all registered students attempt Round 1. Students with non-zero score in Round 1 are automatically eligible for Round 2. Students for Round 3 are selected based on the score in earlier 2 Rounds.

Do the students have to pay for each round?

Students pay a participation fee of Rs.500 for Rounds 1 and 2. Selected students will pay Rs. 1000 for participation in Round 3.

Is the payment to be made to school?

All the registration process has been done online on our website https://designderivatives.com/register-ido/

Parents have to log in and make the payment electronically.

How will the school know that my child has participated?

We send a detailed report to the School principal / coordinator of all the students participating at the end of the registration date.

Do you supply any books to prepare for the assessment in Round 1?

The IDO assessment is based on the unique perspective that each student exhibits through the medium of the 3 rounds, based on his/her knowledge, experience, and imagination. This is the reason why one does not have to prepare from books, for this unique Olympiad. While Rounds 2 and 3 are guided and mentored rounds respectively.

I am not good at drawing, should I participate in the International Design Olympiad?

Drawing is a communication medium for your ideas. Quality of drawing is not the criteria for International Design Olympiad

In how many languages do you conduct International Design Olympiad?

As of today, we conduct in English. You may make a request at [email protected] for any other language.

Do students get certificate?

All students get a digital certificate, based on the level they reach in the International Design Olympiad, which is different for each level.

When do you publish results of each Round?

We conduct Orientation sessions for students and parents before each round. During the Orientation, we declare the date when the results for the respective round will be published on our website www.designderivatives.com

When will we know when is the Orientation?

We will send the details of the Orientation date and time on the WhatsApp number registered with us. Please give the phone number associated with WhatsApp.

What if the student wants to pursue further on the path of Creativity?

International Design Olympiad is a compact 3-Round creative journey for students. Students experience the joy of the creative mindset in action. Students who wish to dive deeper into Creativity, Design, and Design thinking can pursue the following course we conduct: Virtual Course on Creative Confidence: https://designderivatives.com/vc3/

As a student I wish to participate in the International Design Olympiad but my school does not participate – what happens then?

It is a good idea to inform the school and ask them to register on: www.designderivatives.com/school-registration-form

You can register as an individual with the consent of your parent and fill up the registration form.

Where is Creativity Required?

Creativity and a creative mindset would be the principal requirement for all occupations of the 21st century! All routine jobs will get automated!